Seat at the Table {memo}

Good Morning 10/25 | This week in UX


Hey crew… so, here’s the tool, and structure (I’ll eventually get to more details) of what we’re building.

First, for context, as it may help with potentially connecting what’s being done here and how it may be helpful for helping with our other needs and categorizing our Journey Maps.


For us, this started with questions none of us were able to answer.

Specifically, questions like

  • how do we know we’re creating a frictionless experience?

  • is there a part of the ops associate journey we’re not focusing on, but should?

  • how is the general sentiment for /{enter horizontal associate experiences here}/?

  • etc

Now, depending on the UXer, and the team + partners on that experience, we might be able to somewhat get to an answer; However, it wouldn’t be quick, and it definitely wouldn’t span more than one or two balance teams at a time.

When faced with more & more questions popping up like this, we started asking ourselves — “how would we get this type of data?”, “is it even possible today?”

A number of us played around for a bit between EHQ, different UXers research readouts, and presentations from partners — but it was clear we had two core issues

  1. At best, this is possible at the pod level (UX Manager), but it does not roll up to Principals & Sr. Principals + Mgrs, & definitely not to the UX Director — eg, entire portfolio coverage.

  2. There aren’t a core set of metrics, or data points, we’re asking each of UXers to consistently measure; nor are we asking them to format the data in a unified way so we can /actually/ compare apples to apples.. etc


So…. we first started by attempting to define

  • what are some of the leanest, and most minimalistic ways we could approach getting the data needed to tell these stories?

  • what are the minimum amount of data types we think we need to feel comfortable with in-order to be confident in sharing the results of this data?

  • what are some of the simplest ways we could have this data easily accessible to anyone?

… this is how we landed on Airtable as a way to help us move forward. Although it’s currently a VERY manual process, this tool will (as UXers add their research) allow us to answer those original questions above, as well as a number of questions connected to this data.

Some benefits** /(still in pilot)/

  • filter by almost any input data type

    • eg: UXers; apps; persona; job function; location # ; etc.. it goes on

      • single source of truth for

        • mapping data; personas; meta info connected to apps

        • meta info on apps

        • doesn’t rely on UXers ‘math’ — I’ve set it to automatically do it; and, it bubbles up to a metrics dashboard


.. wow, lots of words.. Below are links to the Miro board. It’s a place with lots of additional info, videos I recorded on how to navigate Airtable, as well as all the links to interact with this tool

  • Store Airtable & Miro (redacted links)

    • How-to videos (in Miro via slack) (redacted links)

    • Our Airtable Base (redacted link)

      • note fake data has been removed, and any info in the system is real & current

Happy to answer any questions, accept any praise, and redirect any negative feedback to whomever is the closest to me at the time.



Don’t make it complicated {memo}